In our earlier post, we explained what HSM is and why organizations need them. In this post we will go deeper into the advantages and features of these devices.
Do you store, generate, or manage sensitive data at your company? Do you have to meet special regulations regarding this data like GDPR, eIDAS, eHDSI and PSD2? Has your infrastructure ever been attacked? Have you ever had to pay the cost of a data breach and suffer the additional consequences including loss of customers and damaged reputation? Or are you one of the lucky ones who has yet to experience such an event? Cybersecurity experts have been warning companies for years that it is only a matter of time for each organization. So it’s worth exploring how you can make sure that the attackers cannot access your valuable data even if they can infiltrate your systems.
State-of-the-art HSM modules like i4p’s Trident HSM can provide enhanced security for the data as they enable encryption of databases or on the level of applications. They offer best practice security solutions for other future-proof business solutions like credential management, authentication or SSL/TLS, the cryptographic protocols that secure communications over a computer network. They can be used for creating local and remote qualified signatures and QSEALs, if they meet the requirements of eIDAS, like the Trident HSM does. Therefore, they are useful tools for code signing, in order to confirm the identity of the author of the software and to guarantee that the code has not been altered or corrupted after it was signed. They can also provide the proper and secure background for document signing that is necessary for electronic invoicing.

The high level of security provided by an HSM can be useful for any organization that generates, stores and manages sensitive data – which basically covers all enterprises that possess intellectual property and/or work with customers and employees and handles the personal data of these individuals. The amount of data keeps growing rapidly: In 2020, 64.2 zettabytes of data was created or replicated, and this number is expected to grow by 23% yearly over the 2020-2025 period.
The data and the business processes need protection from malicious attackers, and organizations are obliged to provide enhanced security for this type of data in order to meet regulations and compliance standards. Companies’ financial information also needs strong protection, as well as other confidential business information, intellectual property and patented materials, among others.Â
To find out more about the topic, download our free ebook: Why every company needs HSM.